"EXSYS stands head and shoulders above all other expert system tools in the usability race and robust functionality." Due to the wide-spread implementation of expert system tools and system deployment DuPont has realized over a billion dollars in savings.
Ed Mahler, Manager of IT and Strategic Planning at DuPont for 23 years.
"The US Air Force Oil analysis (expert system) programs reported a total cost avoidance figure of $15 million dollars in F-16 engine damages. A conservative estimate for the total cost avoidance generated in the USAF by oil analysis would be over $100 million dollars."
Machinery Oil Analysis - Methods, Automation & Benefits, Larry A Toms
"Industry and military users have reported that the Asbestos Advisor has been used by up to 80,000 businesses in the first year on the Internet. OSHA's Interactive Expert Advisors were a top finalist in the American Government Awards."
"Still running and providing enormous savings over the last 12 years, Canadian Pacific Railroad uses an expert system to predict component failure in diesel locomotive engines. The system has been highly successful at CP and has saved the company hundreds of millions of dollars."
Canadian Pacific Railroad
"Firms believe online advice is necessary and immediate next step to further enhance their online customer relationships."
"With expertise growing in importance, firms will retain as much specialized know-how as they can. Now is the time to establish relationships with subject gurus whose knowledge can be bottled and shipped to your customers."
"Firms that master the ability to industrialize their expertise will be able to introduce high-end services to the mainstream retail market."

With a proven history of continuous use, EXSYS® software is not only one of the most successful expert system tools, but among the longest-lived software programs of any kind. EXSYS has always been a leader in knowledge automation expert systems with the first development tools aimed at the domain expert. EXSYS is also the first company providing the ability to run knowledge automation expert systems on the Web. Over the years, the EXSYS tools have been enhanced in many ways, but always with a focus on solving real-world problems through a practical easy-to-use development paradigm.
For 20 years EXSYS Inc. has developed proprietary proven technology to build and deploy interactive expertise advisory systems, which deliver a company's most valuable asset, expert knowledge - to the people that need it, whenever they need it - 24-7-365. Effectively distributed enterprise-wide, organizations are increasing productivity, cutting costs and improving customer relations - while creating new profit centers and achieving demonstrable return on investment. EXSYS software converts the knowledge business experts into interactive systems that can be delivered via Web sites to improve performance, capability and efficiency, while reducing training and costly errors.
EXSYS products are used by over 50% of the Fortune 100 companies, many government and military agencies, and thousands of businesses and organizations. A customer list is available on request.

EXSYS products and services enable you to capture expert knowledge and decision-making processes in ways that allow computers to emulate the interaction people have with human experts to solve problems. Whether yours is a traditional organization or a new Web-centric business, EXSYS software can make your Web site one that will standout in its ability to directly provide answers to your customers and employees based on analysis of situation-specific input.
Applications are Java based for enterprise-wide integration, and can be run from Web sites or standalone. They capture expertise and disseminate knowledge to handle mission-critical projects, automate routine tasks, assist in product selection and recommendation, analyze data streams, enhance customer/product support, and ensure policy compliance - any area where consistent, logical decisions are needed.
Exsys CORVID® software enables an expert to "describe" the steps in a decision-making process much as they would to another human. The development environment allows domain experts to build the logic of the system by codifying their decision-making process. The Exsys CORVID Runtime (Servlet/Java Applet) supports a flexible, interactive interface to query and gather information from system users. The Exsys CORVID Inference Engine automatically uses the expert's logic to determine what questions to ask, analyzes the input and creates customized recommendation results.
Exsys CORVID represents a proven approach to knowledge automation expert system technology which EXSYS Inc. has continued to enhance and refine through the years. Systems can be easily integrated into current and future MIS architectures. Data can be accessed from databases or other sources. CORVID systems run client-side via small Java applets, or run using the CORVID Servlet Runtime which interacts with the user dynamically creating customized HTML pages tailored to match the look-and-feel company Web sites. CORVID systems can be run on any computer that supports Java including Windows, Mac, UNIX and Linux platforms.
Exsys CORVID systems make employees more capable and productive, provide the brains for "virtual representatives" on the Web, automate customer support, provide the answers your customers need to make purchasing decisions, assure regulations are followed consistently, perform background filtering, and analysis of data streams.

Our mission is to make our customers successful in meeting their knowledge automation goals. We provide software, services, training, consulting and customization for businesses wanting to implement knowledge automation expert systems throughout their organization. The Web has become a mainstream, and sometimes only, venue of communication. The direct delivery of knowledge and answers to prospects, clients and employees is key to successful business practice. Web-based knowledge automation expert systems go beyond current Web sites suppling vast amounts of information. We can help businesses provide what people really want - Answers!