
Exsys Tech Support and Services

EXSYS customers with maintenance contracts have access to priority technical support during the contract period. They automatically receive new software releases, bug fixes, patches, product enhancements and documentation.

Technical support is provided during normal business hours via phone and E-mail.

Learning Exsys CORVID
New to Exsys Corvid? The best place to start is the online Corvid tutorials. These short self-paced lessons cover all you need to know to get started. The Quick Start Tutorial installed with Corvid leads you through the building a first simple system and the Advanced Tutorial continues with a more complex one. EXSYS training is an ideal way to quickly learn to master Corvid and its many advance features. Corvid Training is available via online classes Details.

EXSYS Consulting is offered for a wide range of expert system development services. Our consulting staff are The Corvid experts with unequalled experience in building Corvid systems, and a thorough understanding of the best approaches to system development - from extracting decision-making logic, through final installation. Consulting support can be provided for either full system development, or to provide help in utilizing some of the most advanced features in Corvid to field systems.

Our experienced team of technicians and knowledge engineers are ready to quickly move your decision support projects forward through to their to success and fast return on investment.

For details, contact your EXSYS Sales Representative.
