Multimedia Trouble-Shooting and Repair Systems
United States Postal Service
The United States Postal Service offers their employees unique capabilities in their Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS). The fully integrated system for computer based training and electronic documentation can be tailored to special needs. EPSS enhance user's productivity and quality of work as well as reduce overall personnel support costs.
The computer based, self-paced training covers all aspects of target system operations and processing and repairs. Electronic documentation provides online, easily updated system support information. The expert system incorporates the multimedia interfaces in a high performance hypertext format that provides the best available expertise in system operation and processing. Alternative platforms and interfaces, including the latest in portable PC technology and digital video are also supported.
The fielded EPSS system which is fully integrated into the United States Postal Service is designated TOPS (Total Organization Productivity Support). Designed to facilitate on-the-spot maintenance and operation of the US Postal Service's automated ZIP-code mail sorter, it provides a multimedia single source for interactive training, diagnostic assistance, and system support. TOPS dynamically integrates the EXSYS Professional expert system and fully hyper-linked on-line reference with an exceptional visual database. The system provides entry-level personnel with all training and assistance that is required to operate and maintain large, complex letter sorting machinery.
"TOPS" won the Best Overall Achievement in the Interactive Media Awards presented at the Ziff Institute's Interactive Conference.